Monday 10 November 2014

Quick and Easy Kylie Jenner Lips | Heyyy Ciara

Are you seeing what I am seeing? I'm sure most of you have heard about Miss Kylie Jenner's luscious lips making the gossip headlines simply because they are big and beautiful. I can admit I am one of those girl who looks at her instagram photos and wonder how I can do that. So I did some research on Youtube, blogs and interviews of make-up artists to somehow achieve this look, without forking out for lip injections or extravagant makeup (btw I don't really believe that Kylie has got lip injections haha).

So using my 'research' I have come up with the best, cheap alternative ways to get plump lips:

1. Toothbrush

A trick probably everyone knows is to take a little bit of time after brushing your teeth in the morning to just brush your lips. This is a great way to remove dead/ dry skin that may have occurred while you were asleep as well causing more blood flow. Simply do this for how long you feel is necessary and this alone will make your lips considersably bigger and soft. 

2. Rest

Once I have done this, simply put on some vaseline or lip balm to make sure they don't dry out. I leave my lips for a bit and if i'm just putting on my daily makeup or makeup for a night out I just wait until I am done to this attend them once again. I use either EOS which is worth the expense or Carmex which I picked up in Primark for a pound I think!

EOS Lip Balm | Carmex Mint Lip Balm | Rimmel London 'Exaggerate' Lip Liner

3. Lip liner

Simply taking the tip from Kylie Jenner herself, her 'secret' being that she uses a natural colour lip liner. I have never used lip liners before simply because I have always been a lipstick kind of girl but I thought I would give this a shot. I got this lip liner from Rimmel London since I didn't want to get a super expensive one if I found that lip liners weren't for me, so at £3.99 I didn't mind taking that risk.

Rimmel London | Exaggerate Full Colour Lip Liner | 063 Eastend Snob

 I got a colour that was similar to my natural lip colour but a little bit pinker so you could notice my lips 'pop' a bit more. I would wipe off my lip balm with a makeup wipe using my nail with the wipe around it to get the blood flowing again. This is the result:

Now this is where your own initiative comes in. The beauty of lip liners is that you can redraw your lip outline in any way you think is best. Personally I think my bottom lip is big enough so I didn't focus too much on increasing the size of it so I focused on my cupids bow and top lip. 

All in all I have been won over by lip liners as they just create this natural, matte, voluminous look in a minute. I definitely recommend Rimmel's lip liner and I will check out their other versions seeing as I chose 'Exaggerate' for the purpose of making my lips look bigger. This lip liner stayed on for a few hours even when I would drink out of my Starbucks and see the liner come off on the cup, I would go home and see no real issue with my lips which is very reassuring.

The only remaining advice that I can give is that lip liners, like most lip products, need to be touched up every now and again as they do stay around the outline of your lip more than the body, so remember to bring it along with you and a little mirror. Also do make sure all dry skin is removed as the liner can stick to it and make it quite obvious so scrub those lips with a toothbrush or lip scrub!

Get pouting ladies!

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